Meet Antioch Church

The Collins Family: Ben, Eric, and children.
Ben & Erica Collins

Jesus loves his church. And when my wife and I, (Erica and Ben Collins), took time to seek God for a vision of what would become Antioch, he graciously provided. We both came to a sense that Jesus was asking us to seek to plant a church built on a foundation of true friendship with God and with one another.

I chose to name this church plant “Antioch” primarily as a prayer. You see, Antioch is the name of a church in the book of Acts chapters 11 & 13 that I came to cherish. I loved Antioch because of how it began when people who knew next to nothing about God put their faith in Jesus, which resulted in grace and gladness, intentional discipleship, innovation, cheerful generosity, attentiveness to the Holy Spirit, diversity of gifted leaders, and a mission that extended beyond themselves all for the glory of Jesus.

So, my prayer has been, “Lord, plant Antioch again. Build that church again for the good of San Luis Obispo.” And I can testify that God, incredibly and mercifully, has been doing just that as Antioch has begun via new faith in Jesus. May it continue!

So, when I say “Meet Antioch” I don’t mean that I think you can actually encounter or develop a friendship with Antioch here on this screen. Rather, I’m inviting you to take a first step by coming to meet with God’s gathered people: Antioch.

If you’d like to join our gathering where we worship Jesus on Sundays at 10AM and then share lunch at 12PM, send me a text. We meet in a variety of locations, so I’ll let you know where we’ll be gathering.

All that we do at Antioch, including our gathering, flows out of our admittedly finite yet humbly definite understanding of what Jesus has called his church to be, to do, and to believe in the world. I hope you will join us!